Every year, CDS produces research that’s evaluated by experts, published in scholarly journals and tapped to make improvements in the community. Recent peer-reviewed research from CDS has addressed communication interventions and assessments, collaborations across the lifespan among families of students with disabilities, and differences in reinforcements employed in American, Chinese and Japanese schools.
Access our published research below.
- Xie, J., Lv, Y., Kun, M., Lu, X., Bear, G. G., Yang, C., Seth, M., & Rong, G. (2015) The validity and reliability of the Chinese version of the Delaware School Climate Survey – Student Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology (in Chinese), 24(2), 250-253.
- Xie, J., Lv, Y., Bear, G. G., Yang, C., Seth, M., Rong, G. (2015) Reliability and validity of the Chinese version of Delaware bullying victimization scale – student Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 23(4), 594-596.
- Quann, M., Lyman, J., Crumlish, J., Hines, S., Pleet-Odle, A. M., & Eisenman, L. T. (2015) The HAWK highway: A vertical model for student IEP participation Intervention in School & Clinic, 50(5), 297-303.
- Eklund, K., von der Embse, N., & Minke, K. M. (2015) School psychologists and school-based medicaid reimbursement Journal of Health Service Psychology: The Register Report, 41(2).
- Dobbertin, K., Horner-Johnson, W., Lee, J. C., Andresen, E. M. (2015) Subgroup differences in having a usual source of healthcare among working-age adults with and without disabilities Journal of Disability and Health, 8(2), 296-302.
- Bear, G. G., Yang, C., Pasipanodya, E. (2015) Assessing school climate: Validation of a brief measure of the perceptions of parents Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 33(2), 115-129.
- Bear, G. G., Mantz, L. S., Glutting, J., Yang, C., Boyer, D. (2015) Differences in bullying victimization between students with and without disabilities School Psychology Review, 44(1), 98-116.
- Eisenman, L. T., Pell, M. M., Poudel, B. B., & Pleet-Odle, A. M. (2015) I think I’m reaching my potential: Students’ self-determination experiences in an inclusive high school Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 38(2), 101-112. doi: 10.1177/2165143414537349
- Minke, K. M., Sheridan, S. M., Kim, E. M., Ryoo, J., Koziol, N. (2014) Congruence in parent-teacher relationships: The role of shared perceptions Elementary School Journal, 114(4), 527-546.
- Minke, K. M., Vickers, H. S. (2014) Get families on board to navigate mental health issues Phi Delta Kappan, 96(4), 29-33.
- Hughes, T. L., Minke, K. M. (2014) Blueprint for health service pychology education and training: School psychology’s response Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 8(1), 26-30.
- Horner-Johnson, W., Dobbertin, K., Lee, J. C., & Andresen, E. M. (2014) Disparities in healthcare access and receipt of preventive services by disability type: Analysis of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Health Services Research, 7(4), 394-401.
- Horner-Johnson, W., Dobbertin, K., Lee, J. C., Andresen, E. M. (2014) Rural disparities in receipt of colorectal cancer screening among adults ages 50–64 with disabilities Disability and Health Journal, 7(4), 394-401.
- Bear, G. G., Yang, C., Glutting, J., Huang, X., He, X., Zhang, W., Chen, D. (2014) Teacher-student relationships, student-student relationships, and conduct problems in China and the U.S Journal of International School and Educational Psychology, 2(4), 247-260.
- Bear, G. G., Yang, C., Pell, M., Gaskins, C. (2014) Validation of a brief measure of teachers’ perceptions of school climate: relations to student achievement and suspension Learning Environments Research, 17(3), 339-354. doi: 10.1007/s10984-014-9162-1
- Zablotsky, B., Kalb, L. G., Freedman, B., Vasa, R., Stuart, E. A. (2014) Health care experiences and perceived financial impact among families of children with an autism spectrum disorder. Psychiatric Services, 65(3), 395-398. doi: 10.1176/appi.ps.201200552
- Bear, G. G., Blank, J., Chen, F. F., Huang, X., Yang, C., Zhang, W. (2013) Students’ perceptions of school climate in the U.S. and China School Psychology Quarterly, 28(1), 7-24.
- Vasa, R. A., Kalb, L. G., Mazurek, M. O., Kanne, S. M., Freedman, B., Keefer, A., Clemons, T., Murray, D. (2013) Age-related differences in the prevalence and correlates of anxiety in youth with autism spectrum disorders Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 7(11), 1358-1369.
- Mazurek, M. O., Vasa, R. A., Kalb, L. G., Kanne, S. M., Rosenberg, D., Keefer, A., Murray, D., Freedman, B., Lowery, L. A. (2013) Anxiety, sensory over-responsivity, and gastrointestinal problems in children with autism spectrum disorders Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 41(1), 165-176. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10802-012-9668-x
- Kanne, S. M., Mazurek, M. O., Sikora, D., Bellando, J., Branum-Martin, L., Handen, B., Katz, T., Freedman, B., Powell, M. P., Warren, Z. (2013) The Autism Impact Measure (AIM): Initial development of a new tool for treatment outcome measurement Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44(1). doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10803-013-1862-3
- Horner-Johnson, W., Dobbertin, K., Lee, J. C., Andresen, E. M. (2013) Disparities in chronic conditions and health status by type of disability Journal of Disability and Health, 6(4), 280-286.
- Eisenman, L. T., Gamel-McCormick, M., Curran, A., McCulley, R., Moritz, M., Musheno, K. (2013) Disability around the world: Study abroad in diverse cultural contexts Review of Disability Studies, 9(4), 5-18.
- Eisenman, L. T., Farley-Ripple, E., Culnane, M., Freedman, B. (2013) Rethinking social network assessment for students with intellectual disabilities (ID) in postsecondary education. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 26(4), 367-384.
- Bear, G. G. (2013) Teacher resistance to frequent rewards and praise: Lack of skill or a wise decision? Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 23(4), 318-340.