Often in partnership with agencies and organizations that address disability-related issues, and always in collaboration with the community, CDS issues reports that frequently serve as blueprints for either new research endeavors or community and government action. View them, below.
- Credentialing curriculum for Delaware direct support professionals. Report to the Governor’s Commission on Community-Based Alternatives for Individuals with Disabilities (2007) C. Renee Settles-Bean : Center for Disabilities Studies, University of Delaware Newark, Delaware
- Healthy Delawareans with disabilities: Health status report for adults with disabilities. Prepared for the Division of Developmental Disabilities Services, Delaware Health and Social Services (2007) Ilka Riddle : Center for Disabilities Studies, University of Delaware Newark, Delaware
- Delaware transition initiative: The Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children transition survey project final report (2007) Ilka Riddle : Center for Disabilities Studies, University of Delaware Newark, Delaware
- Community-based education alliance students’ engagement in campus-based activities (2007) L. Eisenman, D. Pedicone : Center for Disabilities Studies, University of Delaware Newark, Delaware
- Respite care in Delaware: The Delaware lifespan respite information network. Report to the Governor’s Commission on Community-Based Alternatives for Individuals with Disabilities (2007) Lisa Becker, Tracy Mann, Tim Brooks : Center for Disabilities Studies, University of Delaware Newark, Delaware
- Connecting the Dots: A guide to finding services for people with disabilities in Delaware (2006) T. L. Mann, A. Phillips : Center for Disabilities Studies, University of Delaware Newark, Delaware
- Families & communities together: Key findings and recommendations from the evaluation of Delaware’s Child Mental Health Grant initiative (2005) Jim Salt : Center for Disabilities Studies, University of Delaware Newark, Delaware
- Families & communities together: An evaluation of Delaware’s Child Mental Health Grant initiative. Compendium of final technical reports (2005) Jim Salt : Center for Disabilities Studies, University of Delaware Newark, Delaware
- Opportunities for early identification of children who received special education after kindergarten entrance: Executive summary (2005) Cynthia Paris, Deborah Amsden, Erin Walker, Lisa Trischitta, Michael Gamel-McCormick, Scott Rosas : Center for Disabilities Studies, University of Delaware Newark, Delaware
- Delaware early care and education: Baseline quality study (2005) Michael Gamel-McCormick, Martha Jane Buell, Deborah Amsden, Monica Fahey : Center for Disabilities Studies, University of Delaware. Prepared for the Delaware Interagency Resource Management Committee and the Department of Education, Department of Health and Social Services, and the Department of Services for Children, Youth, and Their Families Newark, Delaware
- Investing in better outcomes: Reaping continued dividends. The Delaware early childhood longitudinal study follow-up with fifth graders (2005) Michael Gamel-McCormick, Deborah Amsden, Denise Hartranft : Center for Disabilities Studies, University of Delaware. Prepared for the Delaware Interagency Resource Management Committee and the Department of Education, Department of Health and Social Services, and the Department of Services for Children, Youth, and Their Families Newark, Delaware
- Family-style: Secondary and postsecondary community activities of youth with significant intellectual disabilities (2005) L. T. Eisenman, A. Tanverdi : Center for Disabilities Studies, University of Delaware Newark, Delaware
- Families & communities together: An evaluation of Delaware’s Child Mental Health Grant initiative. Interim data report (2005) Jim Salt, Leslie Cooksy, Katherine Parker : Center for Disabilities Studies, University of Delaware Newark, Delaware
- ADA eligibility process control model for DART First State Paratransit (2004) Carol Denson, Patricia Tressell, Keith Casey : Center for Disabilities Studies, University of Delaware Newark, Delaware