Center for Disabilities Studies’ scholars and staff, and University of Delaware students connected to the Center, regularly deliver presentations and present posters to audiences throughout Delaware, regionally, nationally and internationally. Their talks and displays give academicians, practitioners and the community opportunities to learn first-hand about original research from CDS, and CDS’s leadership on issues of importance to people with disabilities and their families.
See a listing of our posters and presentations below.
Bass, J., & Conway, M. (2021). CEC Live 2021. In Who Can Participate?: Decision-Making Process of Determining Who Participates on the Alternate Assessment.
Brown, A., Fry, K., & Shane, M. (2021, March). Coaching for UDL implementation. Poster presented at Council for exceptional children live virtual event.
Brown, A. and Conway, M. CAST. (2021, March). UDL implementation stories from state leaders. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaZ-8lKLLb4.
Eisenman, L.T. (April 2021). Creating Reciprocity in Peer Mentoring Relationships of College Students with and without Intellectual Disability. Peer Supports in Special and Inclusive Education Communities Roundtable. American Education Research Association Annual Meeting (virtual).
Freedman, B., Garton, W. & Monahan, J. (2021, November). Use of a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) for autistic students enrolled in higher education. Presented at OCALICON, Cleveland, Ohio.
Monahan, J., Freedman, B., Garton, W., & Pini, K. (2021, March). Understanding the needs of college students with autism. Session presented at the 19th Annual Disability Symposium.
Monahan, J., Freedman, B., Edmondson, C. & Pini, K. (2021, May). Social skills interventions for young adults: Fitting into a neurotypical world? E-poster presented at the International Society for Autism Research.
Baldwin, K., Monahan, J., Mazza, S., & Freedman, B. (2021, May). Facing Your Fears: Collaborating with autistic young adults to adapt an evidence-based anxiety intervention. E-poster presented at the International Society for Autism Research 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting.
Monahan, J. & Freedman, B. (2021, April). Social skills interventions for young adults: Fitting into a neurotypical world? Presented at College Autism Network Virtual Association of Scholars Meeting.
Freedman, B. (2021, April). Returning to In-Person Learning: Best Practices to Support Students Mental Health as They Return to Campus. Presented at the Massachusetts Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment Initiative (MAICEI): Coordinator Virtual Conference.
Monahan, J. & Freedman, B. (2021, October). Anxiety and autism in higher education: Experiences of autistic college students. Presented at the College Autism Summit.
Garton, W. & Wessel, A. (2021, October). Autism-Friendly Libraries: Forging a Collaborative Partnership between Morris Library and Spectrum Scholars at the University of Delaware. Presented at College Autism Summit 2021.
Monahan, J. & Edmondson, C. (2021, March). Preparing Students on the Autism Spectrum for College: A Panel of Current College Students on the Spectrum. Session presented at Council for Exceptional Children Convention.
Monahan, J. & Fishbaugh, C., & Ackles, L. (2021, May). Understanding autistic college students’ needs in the time of COVID-19. Presented at College Autism Network Virtual Association of Scholars Meeting.
Monahan, J. Panelist (2021, October). Taking care of you: A research symposium on mental health and autism with Dr. Brett Ranon Nachman. Presented at the College Autism Summit.
Schmied, A., Singley, D., Koch, M., & O’Brien, K. (2021). The Necessity to Go Beyond Accommodations: When the Match to Functional Impacts Fail. Presented at the Annual Disability Symposium at the University of Pennsylvania. Virtual Webinar.
Schmied, A. New Professionals and Graduate Students Steering Committee. (2021, June). Pre-conference session presented at 2021 NASPA Region II Virtual Conference.