Book cover of "A Room Called Earth"
Giving autism some love in ‘A Room Called Earth’

In an interview, author Madeline Ryan says that writing her recently published novel “A Room Called Earth,” narrated by a woman with autism, helped her embrace her own autism – which was diagnosed as she was writing the book. She describes “A Room Called Earth” as a celebration of being on one’s own and examining the world from different perspectives.

A nurse pulls a suitcase as she helps a patient
Delaware hospitals have fewer and fewer Covid-19 patients

While Covid-19 cases and deaths have continued to rise in Delaware at a fairly steady rate, the burden on hospitals has eased significantly. As of Friday, 38 people were hospitalized statewide for Covid-19.

Easterseals Delaware and Maryland’s Eastern Shore logo
Easterseals to host caregiver conference online Aug. 24–28

Easterseals Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore and the Delaware Division of Services for Adults and Aging with Physical Disabilities will move online to present the annual conference for caregivers to exchange best practices and self-care strategies. It will include a review of Easterseals’ virtual services.

emotion chart used in autism assessments and diagnoses
UD helps with early care and education programs: Delaware Stars provides essential supplies and educational assistance

Delaware Stars, a state-funded program within the UD Delaware Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood, has provided thermometers, cloth face coverings and hand sanitizers to more than 600 early childhood programs statewide through contactless delivery. It also offers technical assistance for program staff to meet evolving state safety requirements during the pandemic. These supports have enabled programs to continue providing in-person services.

A woman repackages plastic sprayers at a sheltered workshop for adults with disabilities.
Biden’s disability plan could close the equal-pay loophole

Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic candidate for the presidency, has promised to end the loophole in federal labor law that allows certain employers to pay employees with disabilities lower than minimum wage. An estimated 300,000 people with disabilities in the U.S. are paid subminimum wage. Six states have banned the practice already, but legislation to make the change apply nationwide has not received a vote in Congress.