CDS to lead effort to boost employment of those with disabilities The CDS National Leadership Consortium received a $280,000 federal grant to increase “real world” employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
Adults with disabilities in Delaware in only ‘fair’ to ‘poor’ health, study shows One of every seven adult Delawareans has at least one disability, and their general health is “fair” to “poor,” a CDS study published last month found.
Discovering strength by defying the odds CDS director Michael Gamel-McCormick and advisor Daniese McMullin-Powell criticize as dehumanizing a controversial recommendation that all pregnant women test for Down syndrome, as 90% abort Down fetuses.
UD to host national summit on support for adults with disabilities This week’s leadership consortium, a CDS conference bringing together national leaders in the disability community, will focus on boosting and centralizing existing services.
Public meetings on services for persons with disabilities set CDS is holding public hearings on the 10 goals in the governor’s five-year plan to improve state disability services.